In Memory &
By donating to The Spitz in memory of a loved one or by remembering us in your will, you can help us provide stimulating music activity for people affected by dementia, loneliness and other debilitating conditions.

Giving in memory of a loved one
A gift in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to celebrate their life as a music lover whilst enabling us to reach out to more people affected by loneliness and isolation, dementia and other neurological conditions in care homes and day centres. You can also request donations in lieu of flowers at funerals or memorial services.

I left a gift to the Spitz in memory of my husband – they were wonderful with him.
They’d go to his room on a 1- to-1. He really loved it, really benefited. His eyes would light up – sometimes ask for a request. I just knew he was really happy.
When he died, I came back with my son. The Spitz musicians were playing music outside his room. It was lovely, so meaningful.

Leaving a gift in your will
If you would like to leave a gift in your will to The Spitz, we strongly recommend that you speak to a solicitor to ensure that your wishes be carried out as you intend.Your solicitor will need the following information:
• The Spitz Charitable Trust
• Registered address: 272a St. Pauls Road, London, N1 2LJ
• Registered charity number: 1155033 (England and Wales)